welcome to the credits page :] here are some of the sources of pics and fonts you can see on this website

this isnt a full list, a lot of them (especially the sonic/chao pics) are either things i made, obvious stuff from album covers/game artbooks, or found on geocities, soo... theyve been around forever

header image

the header on this page is from "Kira Kira Star Night DX", a famicom game released in 2013!

front page images

most of these are from Future Express, and all are illustrated by Kentaro Mori! their site is available here

this is from an old flyer, advertising a radio channel & its website. full pic is here

this one is a DanceDanceRevolution track image for "Keep on Movin'" by N.M.R.


font used here is the "Pico White" font

font used here is the "Corpulant Caps BRK" font
